bellevue baseball/softball/athletic association
(425) 999-4060
An Eastside/Bellevue Adult Softball League
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M-4 Standings

Numbers in parenthesis (if any) represent how many of a team's losses are due to unreported scores.
3Big Naturals, The1260
4Chico's Bail Bonds1080
5Fletch Lives990
6Goose Pub Wingmen8100
7Salty Dogs, The711(2)0
9All Saints5130
10Bellevue CRC117(2)0

Punishers leads Big Naturals, The due to run differential.

1 Mon4/14/20086:00 PMSAM2Goose Pub Wingmen at Big Naturals, Therained out, rained out
1 Tue4/15/20088:30 PMMM6Slumpbusters at Bellevue CRCrained out, rained out
1 Tue4/15/20088:30 PMMM7Punishers at Fletch Livesrained out, rained out
1 Fri4/18/20086:00 PMHV1All Saints at TGPrained out, rained out
1 Fri4/18/20088:30 PMHV1Salty Dogs, The at Chico's Bail Bondsrained out, rained out
2 Mon4/21/20086:00 PMSAM2Chico's Bail Bonds at Slumpbusters 22-4, 6-26
2 Tue4/22/20088:30 PMMM6TGP at Big Naturals, The 21-10, 20-22
2 Wed4/23/20086:00 PMMM6Salty Dogs, The at Punishersrained out, rained out
2 Wed4/23/20088:30 PMMM6Fletch Lives at Goose Pub Wingmenrained out, rained out
2 Fri4/25/20088:30 PMHV1Bellevue CRC at All Saints 11-24, 24-17
3 Tue4/29/20086:00 PMMM7TGP at Fletch Lives 17-8, 12-2
3 Tue4/29/20088:00 PMMM8Goose Pub Wingmen at Salty Dogs, The 7-24, 14-15
3 Tue4/29/20088:30 PMMM7Slumpbusters at Punishers 11-21, 7-17
3 Thu5/1/20086:00 PMSAM2Bellevue CRC at Chico's Bail Bonds 3-13, 0-13
3 Fri5/2/20086:00 PMHV1Big Naturals, The at All Saints 15-9, 6-16
4 Mon5/5/20086:00 PMMM7Bellevue CRC at Punishers 5-15, 2-6
4 Mon5/5/20088:30 PMMM7Big Naturals, The at Fletch Lives 14-12, 13-11
4 Tue5/6/20086:00 PMHV1All Saints at Chico's Bail Bonds 4-7, 11-12
4 Tue5/6/20088:00 PMMM8TGP at Salty Dogs, The 18-2, 20-16
4 Wed5/7/20086:00 PMMM6Slumpbusters at Goose Pub Wingmen 13-3, 9-8
5 Tue5/13/20086:00 PMMM6Bellevue CRC at Goose Pub Wingmenrained out, rained out
5 Tue5/13/20086:00 PMMM7Big Naturals, The at Salty Dogs, Therained out, rained out
5 Tue5/13/20088:30 PMMM6TGP at Slumpbustersrained out, rained out
5 Wed5/14/20086:00 PMSAM2Chico's Bail Bonds at Punisherspostponed, postponed
5 Wed5/14/20086:00 PMMM6Chico's Bail Bonds at Punishers 12-11, 6-16
1 Fri5/16/20086:00 PMSAM2Salty Dogs, The at Chico's Bail Bonds 15-5, 19-20
6 Fri5/16/20086:00 PMHV1Big Naturals, The at Slumpbusters 19-22, 7-6
5 Fri5/16/20088:30 PMHV1All Saints at Fletch Lives 3-14, 10-26
6 Mon5/19/20088:30 PMMM6Bellevue CRC at TGPforfeit (TGP wins), forfeit (TGP wins)
6 Wed5/21/20086:00 PMSAM2Chico's Bail Bonds at Goose Pub Wingmen 8-7, 1-11
6 Wed5/21/20086:00 PMMM6Fletch Lives at Salty Dogs, Therained out, rained out
6 Wed5/21/20088:00 PMMM8All Saints at Punishersrained out, rained out
7 Tue5/27/20086:00 PMMM7Fletch Lives at Slumpbusters 31-28, forfeit (Fletch Lives wins)
7 Tue5/27/20088:00 PMMM8Big Naturals, The at Bellevue CRC 9-8, 18-11
7 Tue5/27/20088:30 PMMM7Punishers at Goose Pub Wingmen 17-16, 7-8
7 Fri5/30/20086:00 PMHV1All Saints at Salty Dogs, The 0-10, 16-6
7 Fri5/30/20086:00 PMSAM2Chico's Bail Bonds at TGP 17-19, 2-26
8 Tue6/3/20086:00 PMMM7Salty Dogs, The at Slumpbustersrained out, rained out
8 Tue6/3/20088:30 PMMM6Fletch Lives at Bellevue CRCrained out, rained out
8 Tue6/3/20088:30 PMMM7Punishers at TGPrained out, rained out
8 Fri6/6/20086:00 PMHV1Goose Pub Wingmen at All Saintsrained out, rained out
8 Fri6/6/20088:30 PMHV1Chico's Bail Bonds at Big Naturals, Therained out, rained out
9 Mon6/9/20086:00 PMMM7Punishers at Big Naturals, Therained out, rained out
9 Mon6/9/20088:30 PMMM7Salty Dogs, The at Bellevue CRCrained out, rained out
9 Tue6/10/20088:30 PMMM7Goose Pub Wingmen at TGPrained out, rained out
9 Thu6/12/20086:00 PMHV1Fletch Lives at Chico's Bail Bonds 7-8, 8-10
5 Fri6/13/20086:00 PMSAM2Bellevue CRC at Goose Pub Wingmen 11-15, 1-14
5 Fri6/13/20086:00 PMMM7Big Naturals, The at Salty Dogs, The 19-1, 9-10
9 Fri6/13/20086:00 PMHV1Slumpbusters at All Saints 6-16, 12-2
1 Mon6/16/20086:00 PMSAM2Goose Pub Wingmen at Big Naturals, The 14-20, 20-9
1 Tue6/17/20088:30 PMMM6Slumpbusters at Bellevue CRC
1 Tue6/17/20088:30 PMMM7Punishers at Fletch Lives 13-3, 25-16
1 Wed6/18/20086:00 PMMM7All Saints at TGP 13-19, 5-17
2 Thu6/19/20086:00 PMMM7Salty Dogs, The at Punishers 6-26, 10-25
2 Thu6/19/20088:30 PMMM7Fletch Lives at Goose Pub Wingmen 7-12, 15-14
5 Fri6/20/20086:00 PMSAM2TGP at Slumpbusters 21-5, 11-4
8 Tue6/24/20088:30 PMMM6Chico's Bail Bonds at Big Naturals, The 5-10, 0-14
6 Wed6/25/20086:00 PMMM6All Saints at Punishers 12-2, 2-9
6 Wed6/25/20086:00 PMSAM2Fletch Lives at Salty Dogs, The 17-7, 15-3
9 Thu6/26/20088:30 PMMM7Goose Pub Wingmen at TGP 11-14, 5-16
9 Fri6/27/20086:00 PMMM7Punishers at Big Naturals, The 1-3, 25-4
9 Fri6/27/20088:30 PMMM7Salty Dogs, The at Bellevue CRC 20-17, 10-4
8 Mon6/30/20086:00 PMMM7Goose Pub Wingmen at All Saints 18-12, 23-13
8 Mon6/30/20086:00 PMHV1Salty Dogs, The at Slumpbusters
8 Mon6/30/20088:30 PMHV1Fletch Lives at Bellevue CRC 18-5, 13-8
8 Tue7/1/20088:30 PMMM7Punishers at TGP 16-21, 15-18
(ID): Inter-division game